
I’m a sought-after public speaker with panels and keynotes at Disney, Apple, University of the Arts London, Adidas and The Guardian under my belt.

I inspire teams to do more with less, to be bolder and braver and work with compassion, daring and fun.

You can book me for:

• Event and conference keynotes

• Panels, Chairing/Moderation and ‘In Conversation With’

• Company “Lunch and Learn” slots

• Away-day inspiration

I talk about:

Bold and Effective Brand - Compassionate Leadership - Turning Taboo into Cool - Sustainable Growth - Entrepreneurial Thinking for “Nontrapraneurs”


Below are a selection of my keynote titles, but I also love working with you to make sure we create a bespoke experience for your team.

  • How not to grow a thick skin (An honest and inspiring take on entrepreneur life, and why sensitivity is imperative for growth)

  • Turning blood into beer and body lotion… oh, not literally (How to secure perfect partnerships and awesome ambassadors with killer branding)

  • 300 Pairs of Pants, Red Paint and Parliament (How - and where - to be bold, for business growth)

“Just wow! Brilliant. Even through Zoom the engagement from staff was evident.”

- Global Witness

I’ve spoken at:

What people thought about my chat: